yorktown disciple
Order # 10607
Quatrain of Beguiled Notions

Be not confused

Emancipate the soul, let beguiled
notions of unfettered thoughts
release hallowed reflections
never seen

It is a quest to tolerate the lunacy
flowing through foul air, non
is more restrictive, dirty
thoughts Decency does

Let the light of wisdom shine upon
those who are deserving, let the
rest rot in their graves, let
their souls be far

The age of happiness shall be upon
faith healers as sure as the sun
rises daily - God makes it a
point, to never step in
unenlightened dung.

Yorktown Disciple


Be thy known to all men
Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Beguiled Notions - 10607 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive CI
Poem Sanctum