Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Cake For The Poor

Cake For The Poor - let them eat cake,
wealth will be theirs

It is of twisted logic to believe
the world is best run
unabated by
those with

It would be a far better world
if those without, could
implement ideas of
milk and

Ignorance is not born of the
poor, it is a lasting
reminder of the
rich and their

If the world were under the
control of the poorest,
liberty would be
second only to

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 5028
Quatrain of Cake For The Poor - 5028 - Yorktown Disciple Quatrain of Cake For The Poor - 5028 - Yorktown Disciple
© 2014 Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain Directive LIII
Order Section 173
Poem Sanctum
Quatrains to help you be a rich idiot.
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