Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Cement Foundation

Cement Foundation - a must

Unless your beliefs are planted in
cement, your reasoning will
take on the similarities
of your closest

It is you who must have the stronger
views,or you will lose everything
you know to be true,
you can't

If your ideas are not worshiped, you
cannot hold existing views, you
must give them up
to find true

This is the ugly side of loving another,
only one of you can call the dictates
of life, the other must follow,
and let their ideas

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 10453

Quatrain of Cement Foundation - 10453 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive C
Poem Sanctum
© 2018 Yorktown Disciple
All rights reserved
Quatrains to help you know yourself
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Reveler

Poetizing around the world