Poem Directory - by Yorktown Disciple
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Perceptive Publishing

A Bum's Mystery Religion

O, pew lover, you came into the House of the Lord,

You stumbled over me during prayer as if you were hungry
Smelling like beer spilled in a basement of a monastery.

You ruined communion and left me feeling unrestored.

Ours is a mysterious religion, only a few can see,

How is it you found out where the few of us meet?
Was it the sinning you heard, from out in the street?

Or was it god's message where He and I don't agree?
I feel I have a tractable map that leads right to heaven,

Even though faith rose up to manage a life I did not foresee,
Beyond grace, there was little truth in sermons, with leaven,

But the mystery remains, and I cannot find the sacred key,

To unlock the door where you came in, smelly and unshaven.
Now I must toss you out, you're beginning to smell like pee.

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Total as of  09-29-17 - 10,000
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