Quatrain State Directory - Yorktown Disciple
This directory has poems written by Yorktown Disciple for each State that has been admitted to the United States of America. We have assembled all 50 Quatrains and have placed them here: We hope you enjoy them and purchase your favorite on a Poem Plastron.
We have entered them in Alphabetical order. We hope they excite you. If any of these quatrains offend you, we do not apologize. If you are looking for the history of the States just click history above, otherwise, we have only included the date the State was added to the Union. Nothing more. Please have fun. No serious person has ever permanently left this earth alive. (Reading these Quatrains could make you the first)!
You can order any State Quatrain on a Poem Plastron just by going to Order Section 81. Click. Go. Be kind to yourself. The Editors
Perceptive Publishing
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
Poetizing around the world
Underground Weather
Yorktown Disciple, America's Premier Poet
The Quatrain Poet
Rocking Quatrains
Atlantis Last Flight
Shame on them, no Quatrains onboard
Quatrains of the States
Total of 50 no matter what you have heard.
Quatrain State Directory - Poemart 90 - Yorktown Disciple