You have the opportunity to read one of America's most prolific Poem Artists. Yorktown Disciple has written thousands of poems. There are thousands to come. New poems are added daily. Celebrate Yorktown Disciple publishing his 7000th poem on the internet August 07, 2015. Find a friend. Have a meal. Raise a toast to this fruitful poet. And don't forget, read a poem.
Yorktown Disciple has been writing poems since he was three or four years old. No one knows for sure. He continues writing to this day. His first poems appeared on paper while on the USS Yorktown, CVS-10 during the Vietnam War.
Many of these poems are related to current events. Many are on lessons of life. Many are of historical events. Many are philosophical and some political. There are also hundreds of love poems. We can assure you there is a poem for every age group that has passed the minimum requirements for adulthood. There are no poems for children.
There are several ways to find poems to read on this site. Just follow the links starting with the ones at the top of this page. And go. Read until your eyes become one with the computer screen.
We thank you for your interest. The Editor: Glenndon D. Iszler or Glenn D. Iszler
America's Poem Sanctum
Good Poem Samaritan
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Salvager
Poetizing around the world
This poem site also contains useful links to other sites around the web, such as weather. We have added beautiful photographs from other sites just to add to your reading pleasure. All acknowledgments are given. Spend as much time on our poem site as you wish. So much to absorb. Happiness will follow, and we pray you shall dwell in the house of Yorktown Disciple forever. Amen.
Perceptive Publishing
The internet may be the work of the Devil, it may be the work of the Lord. But it is a place were poetry can flourish like never before in the history of the written word. Utilize it's properties, read poetry every day to cleanse whatever good or evil you pick up from web surfing and let your cleansing spread the truth of all poetic words you can absorb.
Poems Seven Thousand - by Yorktown Disciple