yorktown disciple
Quatrain of Providential Babies

Miracle Births

Every birth is a miracle, a blessed
spirit, an essence combined
from two entities
in one

Their is no separation to behold,
the life performed is placed
on the earth and is
here to

If taught proper, most young children
of God become the best
as they attempt
to be

Blessed be those who do even more,
they walk the earth and
make life better
for the less

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 10601


every day,

most you

don't notice.
Once you were a blessing, are you now?
Yorktown disciple
Quatrain Striver
Poetizing around the world
© Yorktown Disciple
All rights reserved

Quatrain of Providential Babies - 10601 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive CI
Poem Sanctum