Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive XXIX
Quatrains to ease a troubled mind. Read.
Perceptive Publishing
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain king
Poetizing around the world
Quatrains that speak to you
If you don't read Quatrains because you're afraid you may change your mind, being scared can definitely keep you uniformed.

Yorktown Disciple
You can read Quatrains with your mouth open or closed.  Not true with your mind.
Let us not stand while others are sitting. Let us not sit while others are standing. Let us rise and fall together.

Yorktown Disciple
A forest fire of learning can be triggered in your mind by a small spark of wit found in a Quatrain.
The art of thought: manipulated words
Order Section 120: 2752 - 2783
A.  Quatrain of choice
b. Screen Painted on plastron
Remember: Every Quatrain you read is one more step to heaven.
Order Section 118:  2688 - 2719
A.  Quatrain of choice
b. Screen Painted on plastron
Order Section 119: 2720 - 2751
A.  Quatrain of choice
b. Screen Painted on plastron

Quatrain Directive XXIX - Yorktown Disciple

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