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Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Builder
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Perceptive Publishing
Rhythm And The Rhyme
The Rhythm and the Rhyme
The pace of ceaseless time,
Linger this dismal day,
As if the pace were mine.
Sublime in every fashion -
This Shape surrounding me,
Beaten into a perfect mold
Like the sand beneath the sea.
Time as brought me here,
Time will take me away,
The passing of a moment
Reaps the passing of a day.
Wrinkles cling to my face
Weather beaten and worn,
The Motion I find everywhere
Is gathering in its Form.
It counts out the Rhythm,
It adds to the Rhyme,
It flows ever so gently,
As if the pace were mine.
Yorktown Disciple
Code 1A
Rated the best poem ever written
How to read a poem you don't like:
Pretend it is in a foreign language you don't understand
The less you can do for yourself,
The more others must do for you.
Being smart means shedding intellectual beliefs from your feelings
You know you are lying when others don't have to listen to know what you are saying.
Quatrain Directive XXXVIII - Yorktown Disciple