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Quatrain of Neanderthal Wit

Neanderthal - old humans

I may be a Homo Sapien,
but I think like a Neanderthal,

When I look up at the stars
I see lights where spirits crawl.

Forming the basis for my concepts
as I reach out to my fellow man,

My thoughts skip from star to
star in search of who I am.

Unearthed for science, bones
that once held thoughts like mine,

Are forever placed on display
for the curious to read like a sign,

It may be that my logic has been
reinforced by the stars that are lit,

And the reason the Neanderthal
lived by his will and not by his wit.

Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Neanderthal Wit - 1121 - Yorktown Disciple
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