Quatrain of Dry Tears
Dry tears - to cry without loss
The lump swelling in my
bastardized throat
seems hard to
It's just a feeling I have
when I hear choking
thoughts that must be
It's as if I can't find my
way home as my lucent
imagination goes
Now burning heartaches
swirl inside my soul as I
fall to my knees to
Oh, help me God to see
life's painting you have
mastered with a brush,
Let the blood that runs
through your veins fulfill
all my needs that gush,
Give to me the best in
you and never let me
see your mind sweat,
When my life is over, I
want to know, the tears
you shed, were not
Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1802
Quatrains that trumpet pain. If they bother you, move on.
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
Poetizing around the world.
(C) 2011 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.
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