Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Emancipated Scrotumology
Quatrain of Emancipated Scrotumology - 750 - Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Emancipated Scrotumology - 750 - Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Emancipated Scrotumology

Scrotumology - views requiring scrotums

Plucking a universal truth
from the tree of knowledge,
planted when the earth was
very new,

Requires hefty ideas to roll
with steely resolve, past the
ageless spin of corruption

Thy reason watered down,
the sound of redemption
turned off, for the sake of
false dictums,

If evil is to be defeated,
selfishness must be replaced
with arguments, straddling
large scrotums.

Yorktown Disciple
Tic - Tac - Toe

Presented by Yorktown Disciple

Quatrains to loosen you thoughts

Order # 750