Quatrain of Gastropod Spirit
Weather Underground
Quatrain of Gastropod Spirit

Gastropod - group of mollusks
such a snails, slugs, limpets etc

Under the light of sparkling
stars I manage to decipher
a map leading me

My spirit drifts from earthly
chores to the farthest reaches
in space I wish to

Alas!  Theological whispers
drift over aging questions
I can't wait to ask

I have always wondered why
I was made in His image
and not as a

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1328
Quatrain of Gastropod Spirit - 1328 - Yorktown Disciple
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Yorktown Disciple
Weather  Underground
Quatrain of Gastropod Spirit - 1328 - Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Writer
Poetizing around the world
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