Quatrain of Internet Revolution
Weather Underground
Quatrain of Internet Revolution

American Internet Revolution - 1776 all over again,
without horses

The American Internet Revolution,
a third rail of governance, a way
to accomplish political

We must rise up and take to the
electrical grid and ride the waves
spread through all of

It is time to establish a new
Constitution with Liberty and
Justice without Government

The words we inscribe into law
will trump what we've been
taught inspiring an internet

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1590
Quatrain of Internet Revolution - 1590 - Yorktown Disciple
Yorktown Disciple
Weather Underground
Quatrain of Internet Revolution - 1590 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrains coming from a beam of light guiding you to safety
(C)  2011 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.
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Weather Underground
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