Yorktown Disicple
Order #1558
Quatrain of Ionic Bond - 1558 - Yorktown Disciple
Wether Underground
Quatrain of Ionic Bond - 1558 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Ionic Bond
Weather Underground
Quatrain of Ionic Bond

Ionic Bond - electrostatic attraction
between oppositely charged ions

Behold! My soul, charged
with lust, intensifying
and electrostatic,

Alas! Your erotic invasion
made your tender touch
truly traumatic.

I fell deeply in love, as
though you just waved a
magnetized wand,

Electrical charges between
us, quickly became an
ionic bond.

Yorktown Disciple
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
Poetizing around the world
Weather Underground
Quatrains full of magnetic qualities you don't want to miss.
(C) 2011 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.
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