Yorktown Disciple
©  2010 by Yorktown Disciple. All rights reserved.
Order # 271
Quatrain of Junk Lust

Junk - Material items worthless to the owner.
Lust - Intense sexual desire, Zest. Delight.

When I first saw you, I began unloading carnal disposition as my heart and soul were set aglow,

I found trappings of Heaven right before my eyes, I closed passion to onlookers who never had a clue,

You wanted to know if I could give up my potent proclivity for hording spiritual bindings hanging low.

But I could not give up craving volition, until I realized my jealously guarded junk lust, was for you.

Yorktown Disciple

Quatrain of Junk List - 271 - Yorktown Disciple
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