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Quatrain of Love's Deportee
Quatrain of Love's Deportee

Deportee - to expel

I wanted to map my life so you
could see the latitude I was

A simple trip to distance spaces
where winds of fate were

It was magnetic to have you
along and keep me

But without directions, I lost the
way, now I travel as love's

Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Love's Deportee - 1219 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Love's Deportee

Deportee - to expel

I wanted to map my life so you could see the latitude I was going.

A simple trip to distance spaces where winds of fate were blowing.

It was  magnetic to have you along and keep me

But without directions, I lost the
way, now I travel as love's deportee.

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1219
Quatrain of Love's Deportee - 1219 - Yorktown Disciple
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