Yorktown Disciple, America's Premier Poet
Moon Phases
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Order #164
Quatrain of Moon

Sole natural satellite of the earth

Circling like a vulture and shinning with glee,

thy celestial body spies on all we do

without reporting to a cosmic

Forcing oceans to rise, to distract from its

menacing disguise, the moon smiles

as it circles awaiting God's

With information gathered, suspended in a

lunar disk, we wait for the right moment

to spill our metaphysical

Drawing life from the earth, the Devil's magnet

cannot change its trajectory; it continues

to obstruct Heaven's view without

Yorktown Disciple
Moon Phases presented by Yorktown Disciple
Quatrains to eclipse lunar thoughts

Quatrain of The Moon - 164 - Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Directive II   Order Section 22
Poetiziing around the world and over oceans unfurled
Moon Vulture