Quatrain of Mortal Seafaring
Seafaring - to travel in the universal
ocean of life
You placed grace on hold,
wanting a world without war,
no famine or foul weather,
You were wholly entrusted not
to act on a whim, as if you had
your life together.
You are but a pitiful dreamer,
thoughts of what glory should
be do not help the fool,
You have become a miscreant,
in prophetic words, you have
turned into the devil's tool.
Your wish to spread misery
evenly, causes shortness of
breath in those who are sane,
The earth evolved to withstand
forces beyond your feeble control
without being humane.
If it is to survive the madness
you willingly have imposed, it
must be brutal and uncaring,
You're a sailor on God's ocean
facing icy water; cold wind with
a prayer - tis mortal seafaring.
Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1192
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
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