Yorktown Disciple, America's Premier Poet
Quatrain of Short-Horned Grasshopper
Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Short-Horned Grasshopper

Short-Horned Grasshopper - one of 10,00 species of insects

With legs of spring like quality,
ready to wickedly leap for miles

With eyes the size of a full moon
and looking like sun dials,

Tis thy grasshopper, ruler of the
earth, researcher of the bounce,

Gesticulating stilts full of spiritual
prayers, layered in every ounce,

Plaguing the land in an immoral
quest to eat everything in sight,

Tis thy nourished chirp whipping
the winds with each and every bite,

To decimate the land - the goal of
every hopper - the rush for indulgence,

To watch the world spin until it's bare,
in a quest for lasting vengeance.

Wish thy bent legs a special place in
heaven when flying to meet thy Maker,

Cast aside hatred of bold insurrection
crushing truth from a herbivorous faker,

For thy thought of perfect wings, the
wish for life to become love's goal,

Is the wish of the reasoned, not the will
of the grasshopper with no self-control.

Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of Short-Horned Grasshopper - 1058 - Yorktown Disciple
Order # 1058
Weather Underground Photos
Quatrain of Short-Horned Grasshopper - 1058 - Yorktown Disciple
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