1. The Legislature shall be limited to meeting for only 3 months of each calendar year except for duties necessitated by War or Natural Disasters.
(Pay to coincide with time served)
2. The Legislature shall be limited to the passage of no more than 12 bills per calendar year except for bills associated with War or Natural Disasters.
Proposed Amendment (28) to The Constitution of the United Sates
Amendment (28) - Limited time of legislative service & limited passage of legislaltion
Quatrain of Uncontrolled Government
Uncontrolled Government - a government out
of control
The governed wish to be brow
beaten, horse whipped and
They wish to live in serfdom,
raise their butts and have them
No longer understanding democracy;
their Uncle has become a cash
They are willing to vote in the ugly,
pay taxes, bend over, and say
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain # 1399
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain King
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