Quatrain of Required Hate
Can't live without it
I shall always support hate when it
is directed at the Sins
of man, no other
support is more
I hate that which goes against my
constitution with a mighty
thrust, I can hate
more than
Hate drives the wicked confounded,
it demolishes notions ugly
to the touch; keeps
my God
When push back is required , hate
the opponent, it will aid you
in winning, it will cause
sanity to
Yorktown Disciple
Order # 10603
Beat thy
beat him
well, let
him never
get up
You need controlled hate
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Miser
Poetizing around the world
© Yorktown Disciple
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Quatrain of Required Hate - 10603 - Yorktown Disciple
Poem Sanctum