Quatrain of Saving The Planet
Saving The Planet - not so much
It is quite well noted, those who wish
to save the planet are the
worst polluters the
world has ever
They generally burn carbon as if it
their last ride to hell and leave
trash behind as though the
earth was a trash
It is hard to understand the thinking
behind those who spout greenie
blather, and yet they grind
souls into the
Beware of anyone who wishes to save
the air you breathe, they are liars,
cheats, the foulest scum, and
they are all
Yorktown Disciple
Order # 6175
Quatrain of Saving The Planet - 6175 - Yorktown Disciple
© 2015 Yorktown Disciple
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Poem Sanctum
Quatrains to help you save the earth from yourself
Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain Salvager
Poetizing around the world