Yorktown Disciple
Quatrain of To Be A Victim

To Be A Victim - be so very careful

If you believe you are a victim,
because this is what you've
constantly been

Then you are a victim, you will
never take control of your
life, as you grow

You shall forever be, left behind,
as if you are a failure
without any criminal

Your life will be a crying shame,
because you didn't have the
guts to stop your martyred

Yorktown Disciple
Order # 5123
Quatrain of To Be A Victim - 5123 - Yorktown Disciple Quatrain of To Be A Victim - 5123 - Yorktown Disciple
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Poem Sanctum
Quatrain Directive LIV
Order Section 173
Quatrains to help you stay away from shame.
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